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October 19,2022 | by Admin | 1 Comments
  • The External Audit is the evaluation of the company statements process of independent evaluation by a qualified independent third party the external auditor. 
  • An External Audit is a must for an external certification and it is also one of the most important parts of the process of ISO certification. 
  • The main focus of the audit is on processes and their efficiency and effectiveness. 
  • Auditors are looking for real processes and procedures to aim the quality service, risk-based thinking, and improve the overall process. 
  • Auditors will also mainly look for circumspect at the methods a company uses to focus on the customer, that is Customer satisfaction, Customer requirements, Customer complaints.
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  • Jansi December 13,2021

    These information are very useful. Thanks

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  • Jansi December 13,2021

    These information are very useful. Thanks